Good nutrition is important for good health. Good nutrition is; variation, food supplements, fresh water, offered in the right quantities and rich in nutrients. Offering live food at the same time gives the necessary exercise (make them hunt their food for exercise).
Bearded dragons are omnivores and eat both animal and plant foods. An adult bearded dragon eat about 40% live food and 60% fruit and vegetable.
Also, there are special pellets for bearded Dragons for sale. Feeding pellets is become increasingly popular because it's easy to feed and dosing. Not all bearded dragons like to eat these pallets, because the animals do not recognized it as (natural) food.
Nutrition in young bearded dragons
Young animals eat more animal food than plant foods. If the animals get older this will gradually change. 75% consists of animal food and 25% plant foods. It´s important to provide enough food with the right proportions of vitamin and calcium, especially to animals in the growth. A young ealthy animal may eat as much as they can (with some exceptions).
Because bearded dragons are cold-blooded, they can only digest their food at the right temperature. Without heat the body goes at rest and the food remains in the stomach undigested. This can lead to blockages in the stomach and intestines and/or vomiting. Make sure the animals have time to degest their food and don´t feed theme within 3 hours before the light or heat source goes out.
Hieronder ziet u 3 informatieve filmpjes over de voeding bij baardagamen. Deze filmpjes vatten samen wat u moet weten over de voeding en waterbehoefte van de baardagaam.
Fruit en groente:
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