Feeding List for the bearded dragon
In some vegetables or fruits contain substances where the species can not against. This is a list of plant food for bearded dragons, which are and are not.
- Good is identified with *
- Voeding die met mate gevoerd moet worden of met extra zorg *
- must be fed in moderation or with extra care! *
what they are not allowed to have! * At the bottom of the page you will find a list of toxic substances for bearded dragons, with a small explanation.
- Andijvie *
- Boerenkool *
- Chinese kool *
- Courgette
- Dadels
- Komkommer
- Paksoi
- Paprika *
- Prei
- Sla *
- Spitskool
- Spruitjes
- Witte kool
- Witlof
- Aardbei *
- Appel
- Banaan; Met mate en zonder schil *
- Kiwi *
- Mandarijn *
- Peer
- Sinasappel; Zonder vel en schil *
- Tomaat; Met mate *
- Bieslook
- Bleekselderij
- Dovenetels
- Golliwoog *
- Grote weegbree
- Smalle weegbree *
- Klein hoefblad
- Paardenbloem; Alleen bloem en blad
- Vogelmuur
- Klaver
- Buffalowormen; Voor jonge baardjes *
- Kakkerlakken
- Knaagdieren; Alleen pinkies
- Krekels *
- Meelwormen; Voor jonge baardjes
- Moriowormen
- Phoenixwormen *
- Regenwormen
- Sprinkhanen *
- Wasmotlarve
- Honden- katten brokjes; Geweekt en met mate *
Niet voeren:
- Avocado *
- Bloemkool *
- Broccoli *
- Citroen *
- Druiven *
- Erwten *
- Pruimen *
- Sperziebonen *
- Tuinbonen *
- Witte bonen *
- Wortel *
- Mais *
- Paardenbloem; Geen steel *
- Peterselie *
- Spinazie *
Toxic substances
* Oxalic Acid: This substance causes problems with blood circulation and this substance connects with calcium. Giving calcium by the body can no longer be included. In these vegetables is much oxalic acid; Broccoli, spinach, carrots, parsley, rhubarb.
* Tannin: This is a poison type and it is so important that you not animals ingest this substance. This substance is found in: peas, figs, Fava Beans, Avocados.
* Cyanide: This substance may give problems to the throat (bag). This substance is in Brassica vegetables. Cabbage leaves also provide fermentation in the gut.
* Nitrate: This substance leads to cramps, because the oxygen in the blood by this substance is poorly distributed. This is for example in spinach and Comfrey
* Citrus Fruits: These works to laxative.