The eggs of a Bearded Dragon
About a month after mating the female will get a big belly (the eggs are visible in the abdomen). There may be cautious be felt to the abdomen or eggs are present. Give them extra vitamins and calcium during this period for the development of the eggs
Just before the eggs are deposited, the female often stops eating. However, it is also possible that a female unfertilized eggs (see fertilization). Be held in the presence of male and females, there is a risk that they are unfertilized eggs to go (reproductive drift). This increases the risk of legnoot (see also diseases/crossed). (zie ook bevruchting). Als vrouwtjes in de aanwezigheid van mannetje gehouden worden bestaat het risico dat ze onbevruchte eieren aan gaan maken (voortplantingsdrift). Dit vergroot het risico op legnoot (zie ook Gezondheidszorg / legnood).
A clutch consists of about 15 to 30 eggs, sometimes more. This is much more than other types of lizards of the same big. The females can produce 2 to 3 clutches a year. About 1 month after mating the female lays her eggs. The eggs are nice to be white and are oval in shape (still in incubator can turn off something) and have a leathery, elastic scale. For laying is best a container with moist sand in the terrarium, so deep that the bearded dragons in there at all. The female makes a pit in which they here in a kind of trance her eggs and then bury. Let the bearded Dragon first quiet her course. Often it can lay quite smoothly. However, the animals are often more concerned with hiding the eggs. Of course it can also less successful. When the vouwtje no opportunity to lay its eggs, it creates a great opportunity on crossed. (see also diseases/crossed). (zie ook Gezondheidszorg / legnood).
When she is ready with her lay eggs, the eggs are removed. (not before, this allows them to be restless what stress can provide). Also not wait too long with the removal because the high temperatures in the terrarium can the eggs dry out quickly. Once you collect all the eggs have, then put them in the incubator as soon as possible. Collect the eggs should be done with extreme caution. The eggs may not be turned. (in the first 24 hours it seems not much damage to target, but rather take no risk.) Scoop the eggs carefully into the prepared trays with vermiculite.
The incubator
The eggs of bearded dragons in captivity are hatched in an incubator. Of this are of course different variants available. Our bearded dragons are hatched in the Herp Nursery 2. (This is not the most appropriate for the hatching of bearded dragons eggs, but after a little improvising and trying out it went very well.)
Many people claim that at high temperatures often more men are born and more females in low temperature conditions. This has never been scientifically proven to bearded dragons. To research shows that temperature determines the sex (as with other reptile species sometimes the case is proven) is considered this as myth.
The temperature is decisive for the outcome. At lower temperatures can generally take a little longer before the onions come true. This often gives slightly larger and stronger bearded dragons. The baartjes can grow a little longer in the breeze.
The eggs are in the incubator in trays with vermiculite kept in good condition. Collection Chinese dishes are well suited. This can partly be filled with a mixture vermiculite (100 ml lukewarm water + 100 gr vermiculite). Bury the eggs a bit (not completely, otherwise you can not keep an eye on them). Decaying eggs must be removed. When the eggs shrink and discolour (yellow) they can be removed. Sometimes can also exhibit a few small duikjes the eggs. This can be done by lack of moisture. Make sure that the humidity and the humidity of the vermiculite is optimal. When a few drops of moisture be administered carefully next to the eggs, the eggs again. Make sure there is never drops on the eggs, this can damage the eggs. To regulate the humidity can be placed at the bottom of the incubator a bowl of water. This should always be supplemented due to evaporation. Also do every now and then the door of the incubator to open fresh oxygen-rich air. The environment should not be too moist, this causes fungus. If there is a breeze going moldy, uninstall it right, for skipping the fungus on the other eggs.