At a very young age can the sexes (genders means sex determination) of bearded dragons are very difficult. Better to wait until they are a few weeks old. For a real connoisseur, however, it is not that difficult to determine sex. Therefore, when you are unsure about the sex of your bearded Dragon, it is best to ask a connoisseur to assess this for you.
The animals are sexually mature, with ± 8 months but not yet ready for a mating. Characteristic of the sexual maturity is completed of the primary and secondary sex characteristics. The animals are only fokrijp when they are fully grown (adult). This means that the animals developed only after 1.5 years to boy.
Acceptance sex match: in men very low. Often men with several females. Females, however, often go well together. (Younger animals can be housed in groups better, however, than adults).
The developed sexual characteristics in adult animals are clearly visible. Below we will the features of both the female and the male sex. In addition to external sexual characteristics, there are also differences in behavior of the male or female animal.(read more about this in the head piece behavior). (Lees hier meer over in het hoofdstuk gedrag).
If you lift the tail lights is there in males clearly a swelling visible on the tail base, just above the cloaca. These two bulges are called the hemipenis humps. Below is the hemipenis. Bearded Dragons have a long tail, what mating difficult. That is why their penis as it were split in half, hemi means half. This means that there is both left and right to make contact with the female, thus reducing the chance of fertilization significantly increased word. At the adult male femoraalporiën are clearly visible.
Bij het vrouwtje zijn geen zwellingen te zien bij de staartbasis. In the female are no bulges on display at the tail base. In females it seems, however, a little swelling Middle above the cloaca. In females the femoraalporiën are less clear than in males.
Females are sometimes a bit firmer and researcher built in relationship with males and can have a less developed beard. To only the format you can not determine if it is a man or woman.
At a grown man you can on the bottom/inside of his thighs, the femoraalporiën see clearly in the form of Brown dots. The males use the femoraalporiën substances and thus to mark off their territory
In females the femoraalporiën are less clear than in males.